Group Card Design example for various occasions with Gift Collection
Group Card Design example for various occasions with Gift Collection
Group Card Design example for various occasions with Gift Collection
Group Card Design example for various occasions with Gift Collection
Group Card Design example for various occasions with Gift Collection

Group Thank You Cards & Gifts

Express Your Gratitude with a Group PandaCard

  • Thank You Cards: Send a special thank you to someone and let them know how truly grateful you and your friends are! Make their day with a group thank you card because sometimes saying thanks goes a long way.
  • There is always something to be thankful for, and it's always important to express your gratitude. Without hesitation, whenever someone does something positive for you, say thank you to make sure they know you appreciate the gesture.
  • Sample:

Marcel Proust: “Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.”

Customize the PandaCard and leave your own THANK YOU message

Add your style to the chosen design and save your PandaCard! Remember some cards can be throw-away items, but some carry vivid memories from different stages in our lives and with this PandaCard, this Thank you note will be kept forever!

Share It with Your Crowd!

Your PandaCard is now ready to be shared with anyone in the world to add their personal message, photo, or contribute to a gift pot! You're now officially a PandaCard Organiser!

Schedule or send it to make this thank you special!

The gift pot can be redeemed to any of the shops available and there's a lot to choose from!